What Customers are Saying...

“I recently sent in one of my irreplaceable nonstick pans because the nonstick coating was worn off. Your customer service was so prompt and efficient, I would describe it as outstanding.” -Customer in Indiana

“The pan was recoated with a nonstick surface that seems better than new and returned in short order. It was also very economical when compared to trying to replace high quality cookware.” -Customer in Arizona

“I am so pleased with Revête Kitchen methods and product that I am sending in two more important pieces of cookware to have this coating applied.” Customer in Indiana

“I remain very satisfied with my first order that you processed a few years ago. It seems that the new coating is superior to the original All-Clad non-stick finish.” -Customer in California

“You are the only company providing this recoating service in the entire West Coast region, for that I am very appreciative.” -Customer in California